Assignment: A Northern California gas station / deli / winery asked us to develop a brand that will scale from one location to a national chain. It was one of those low budget-no deadline-projects. And we couldn’t focus on the wine too much.
Solution: We focused on the adventurous spirit of the western road trip. Read a couple gold rush stories. Enjoyed some Jack Kerouac. Banged out brand names, scribbled six dozen taglines, and taped them to the wall — you know the drill. We had a unanimous decision with Bonneau Country and Wanderers Welcome. Flexed the identity to a couple billboards, a website, and a satisfying combination food/lifetsyle photography.


Agency: Tattoo Projects
Creative Director: Buffy McCoy-Kelly
Creative Director: Rudy Banny
ACD/Copywriter: Chad Brophy
Art Director: Chris Bazata
Art Director: Quinn Williams
Art Director: Chris Toth
Directory of Photography: Paul Skinner