Assignment: Crisis Assistance Ministry is a wonderful charity that helps local families in financial crisis. By negotiating directly with landlords and utilities, last year Crisis Assistance Ministry helped 30,000+ families avoid eviction and utility disconnection. They also have a Free Store for clothes and housewares. They do all of this with local donations. Their problem was that many well healed locals neither knew they existed, nor what they did. So when donation season came around, they just gave to Red Cross, Salvation Army, or United Way.
Solution: Reformat their tag line and logo to explicitly communicate what they do without being boring. Negotiate directly with print and outdoor companies to donate some free adspace. We also made a slick truck wrap to bolster housewares and clothing donations.
Results: During a recent donation ceremony for $100,000, the person donating repeated the tag line numerous times.

Wrapping Paper: We turned the logo into wrapping paper, and created another way for Crisis Assistance to raise more money.

Agency: Eric Mower and Associates
Creative Directors: Seth Werner, Patrick Short
AD: Laurie Nesbitt
CW: Chad Brophy